Tuesday, 7 April 2015

When We Taste Failure

When We Taste Failure
When we taste failure
Realizing our mistakes
Longing badly the return of unused past time
Feeling guilty of our laziness
Getting tortured by the unheeded advice
Being under-confident
Flashing upon our past glory wherein people envied us.
                                                                When others see your failure
                                                                Mock and doubt you
                                                                Trust deficit increases
                                                                Ignore and sideline your opinion
                                                                Leaving no stone unturned to make you feel less
                                                                Believing you are dumb ass
                                                                Trying to escape from you
We must recoup our energies
Charge-up our batteries
Peel off our lazy habits
Persevere to work hard
Trust God Almighty

The door of success will be opened for you…